Rhythm:Anata dake no Maison de Couture
This is the music detail page for Anata dake no Maison de Couture (あなただけのメゾンドクチュール), a song from Girlfriend Note. For a full list of songs, check the Song List or Song Gallery. For more information, check the help section below.
[hide]Basic Information
- Title: Anata dake no Maison de Couture | あなただけのメゾンドクチュール
- Category: Special (All Difficulties)
- Color: Pink
- First Appearance In-Game: 19 March 2016
- Album: Currently not released on any album
- Lyrics: Takayuki Tonegawa | 利根川貴之
- Composition: Yasuo Nakajima | 中島靖雄
- Arrangement: Yasuo Nakajima | 中島靖雄
- Vocals: Maison de Couture, composed of Koruri Tokitani, Nae Yuki, and Nao Miyoshi | メゾンドクチュール: 時谷小瑠璃/優木苗/見吉奈央(CV:田村ゆかり/日高里菜/内田真礼)
- Advantage Center Girl: Koruri Tokitani | 時谷小瑠璃
- Unlock Requirements: Clear Mission: Achieve at least 3,000,000 total high score
- Difficulty Availability:
- Easy: Special (Achieve at least 3,000,000 total high score)
- Normal: Special (Achieve at least 3,000,000 total high score)
- Hard: Special (Achieve at least 3,000,000 total high score)
- Expert (Very Hard): Special (Achieve at least 3,000,000 total high score)
Below, we show the stamina requirements for each difficulty, as well as the exp gained.
For each difficulty, the requirements to achieve ranks and receive rank rewards for Score, Combo, Mirror Bonus, and Amount of Clears are shown below. When you achieve a certain rank for the first time, you receive the reward for that rank as well as any ranks below it that you have not previously received. For example, if you get a A for score on your first play of a song, you would get the score rewards for SCORE C, SCORE B, and SCORE A. All rewards can only obtained once.
Note that "gull" is the form of currency in the game (ガル). Friend points can be used on the friend gacha to obtain mostly N rarity cards, with a few R cards available.
50 Luck Stones is given after clearing the Easy, Normal, and Hard difficulty of a song for the first time. 50 Luck Stones are also given for clearing the Expert difficulty of a song for the first time.
- Star Difficulty Rating: 3
- Stamina Requirement: 5
- Experience Gained: 13
- Furu Furu Bonus: 10 Luck Stones
The Furu Furu Bonus is given when you achieve Full Combo (no misses, max combo) and Full Mirror Bonus (kept the disco ball spinning the whole song after the intro) on a song at the same time in one play.
Score Goal
Score Rank | Required Score | Reward |
SCORE SS | 52,239 or more | 7,500 Gull |
SCORE S | 43,533 or more | 5,000 Gull |
SCORE A | 34,826 or more | 2,500 Gull |
SCORE B | 26,120 or more | 1,250 Gull |
SCORE C | 17,413 or more | 1,000 Gull |
Combo Goal
Combo Rank | Required Combo | Reward |
COMBO S | 132 | 10,000 Gull |
COMBO A | 92 or more | 5,000 Gull |
COMBO B | 66 or more | 2,500 Gull |
COMBO C | 40 or more | 1,250 Gull |
Mirror Bonus Goal
Mirror Bonus Rank | Required Percentage | Reward |
MIRROR S | 90% or more | 100 Friend Points |
MIRROR A | 70% or more | 75 Friend Points |
MIRROR B | 50% or more | 50 Friend Points |
MIRROR C | 30% or more | 25 Friend Points |
Clear Goal
Clear Rank | Required Number of Clears | Reward |
CLEAR S | 20 or more | 100 Friend Points |
CLEAR A | 10 or more | 75 Friend Points |
CLEAR B | 5 or more | 50 Friend Points |
CLEAR C | 1 or more | 25 Friend Points |
- Star Difficulty Rating: 5
- Stamina Requirement: 10
- Experience Gained: 29
- Furu Furu Bonus: 20 Luck Stones
The Furu Furu Bonus is given when you achieve Full Combo (no misses, max combo) and Full Mirror Bonus (kept the disco ball spinning the whole song after the intro) on a song at the same time in one play.
Score Goal
Score Rank | Required Score | Reward |
SCORE SS | 105,459 or more | 12,500 Gull |
SCORE S | 90,393 or more | 10,000 Gull |
SCORE A | 75,328 or more | 7,500 Gull |
SCORE B | 60,262 or more | 5,000 Gull |
SCORE C | 30,131 or more | 2,500 Gull |
Combo Goal
Combo Rank | Required Combo | Reward |
COMBO S | 207 | 20,000 Gull |
COMBO A | 145 or more | 10,000 Gull |
COMBO B | 104 or more | 5,000 Gull |
COMBO C | 62 or more | 2,500 Gull |
Mirror Bonus Goal
Mirror Bonus Rank | Required Percentage | Reward |
MIRROR S | 90% or more | 300 Friend Points |
MIRROR A | 70% or more | 200 Friend Points |
MIRROR B | 50% or more | 150 Friend Points |
MIRROR C | 30% or more | 100 Friend Points |
Clear Goal
Clear Rank | Required Number of Clears | Reward |
CLEAR S | 40 or more | 300 Friend Points |
CLEAR A | 20 or more | 200 Friend Points |
CLEAR B | 10 or more | 150 Friend Points |
CLEAR C | 5 or more | 100 Friend Points |
- Star Difficulty Rating: 7
- Stamina Requirement: 15
- Experience Gained: 51
- Furu Furu Bonus: 50 Luck Stones
The Furu Furu Bonus is given when you achieve Full Combo (no misses, max combo) and Full Mirror Bonus (kept the disco ball spinning the whole song after the intro) on a song at the same time in one play.
Score Goal
Score Rank | Required Score | Reward |
SCORE SS | 417,450 or more | 50 Luck Stones |
SCORE S | 314,209 or more | 15,000 Gull |
SCORE A | 269,322 or more | 7,500 Gull |
SCORE B | 224,435 or more | 5,000 Gull |
SCORE C | 89,774 or more | 2,500 Gull |
Combo Goal
Combo Rank | Required Combo | Reward |
COMBO S | 410 | 30,000 Gull |
COMBO A | 287 or more | 20,000 Gull |
COMBO B | 205 or more | 10,000 Gull |
COMBO C | 123 or more | 5,000 Gull |
Mirror Bonus Goal
Mirror Bonus Rank | Required Percentage | Reward |
MIRROR S | 90% or more | 500 Friend Points |
MIRROR A | 70% or more | 400 Friend Points |
MIRROR B | 50% or more | 300 Friend Points |
MIRROR C | 30% or more | 150 Friend Points |
Clear Goal
Clear Rank | Required Number of Clears | Reward |
CLEAR S | 100 or more | 50 Luck Stones |
CLEAR A | 40 or more | 400 Friend Points |
CLEAR B | 20 or more | 300 Friend Points |
CLEAR C | 10 or more | 150 Friend Points |
- Star Difficulty Rating: 9
- Stamina Requirement: 20
- Experience Gained: 73
- Furu Furu Bonus: 100 Luck Stones
The Furu Furu Bonus is given when you achieve Full Combo (no misses, max combo) and Full Mirror Bonus (kept the disco ball spinning the whole song after the intro) on a song at the same time in one play.
Score Goal
Score Rank | Required Score | Reward |
SCORE SS | 787,603.05 or more | Skill Trainer: 深見絵馬 (Fukami Ema) SRx1 (Pink) |
SCORE S | 550,476 or more | 1,000 Friend Points |
SCORE A | 508,131 or more | 1,000 Friend Points |
SCORE B | 465,787 or more | 20,000 Gull |
SCORE C | 169,377 or more | 10,000 Gull |
Combo Goal
Combo Rank | Required Combo | Reward |
COMBO S | 561 | 50 Luck Stones |
COMBO A | 393 or more | 30,000 Gull |
COMBO B | 281 or more | 10,000 Gull |
COMBO C | 168 or more | 5,000 Gull |
Mirror Bonus Goal
Mirror Bonus Rank | Required Percentage | Reward |
MIRROR S | 90% or more | 50 Luck Stones |
MIRROR A | 70% or more | 500 Friend Points |
MIRROR B | 50% or more | 300 Friend Points |
MIRROR C | 30% or more | 200 Friend Points |
Clear Goal
Clear Rank | Required Number of Clears | Reward |
CLEAR S | 150 or more | 50 Luck Stones |
CLEAR A | 60 or more | 500 Friend Points |
CLEAR B | 30 or more | 300 Friend Points |
CLEAR C | 15 or more | 200 Friend Points |
朝目覚めて涙してる 切ない記憶どうして?
はっきりとはわからないけど そんな気分の時も
肌寒い街一人歩き 不意な風に揺れるスカート
どうしてかな?うまく言えない そんな気分の時でも
誰でもないあなただけ 特別仕様オートクチュール Oui!
それにピッタリな生地 満たされるよエナジー
オリジナルつくるよ 唯一無二な服を
Currently looking for romanizers, contact User:Erina if you'd like to help!
Currently looking for translators, contact User:Erina if you'd like to help!
For help about the information on the page, try looking at the Walkthrough Project or the rhythm game mechanics pages, such as Rhythm:Play.
Regarding Difficulty Availability: A song's difficulty is considered "Limited" if it has appeared in the game for play at some point, but has since then disappeared. A song's difficulty is considered "Unreleased" if it has never yet appeared in the game in any form. Side-A are the songs that you can always play, Side-B are songs that you can only play on a rotating basis, and Special are songs under the "special" category that are usually unlocked by completing missions.
Total high score refers to the total score of all the highest scores you have obtained on all songs. This is essentially the sum of all high scores on each song you have played in the game. Note that for a song, it will only take your highest score from all four difficulties. For example, if you played a song on Easy with score 30,000, then played it on Hard with score: 150,000, then the only score counted for your total high score would be the 150,000.
The color of a song is the song's attribute. Teams that are composed of more members of the song's color (meaning, having a higher performance stat of the song's color) will perform better score-wise.
An "advantage center girl" is a center girl that provides a 10% clothing stat bonus for the song.
Note that "gull" is the form of currency in the game (ガル). Friend points can be used on the friend gacha to obtain mostly N rarity cards, with a few R cards available. Trainers can be used to increase the skill level of your girl, which allows them to improve their unique skills during gameplay (such as stamina recovery, score boost, and more).
Expert songs are never available in Side-A (normal play), these difficulties can only be found in Side-B (daily/weekly rotation), unless it's a special/limited edition song. Visit Rhythm:Side-B Songs for more information.
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