Rhythm:Motto Motto JUMP!

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Motto Motto JUMP!'s Jacket Art
Motto Motto JUMP!'s Jacket Art

This is the music detail page for Motto Motto JUMP! (もっともっとJUMP!), a song from Girlfriend Note. For a full list of songs, check the Song List or Song Gallery. For more information, check the help section below.

Basic Information

  • Title: Motto Motto JUMP! | もっともっとJUMP!



Below, we show the stamina requirements for each difficulty, as well as the exp gained.

For each difficulty, the requirements to achieve ranks and receive rank rewards for Score, Combo, Mirror Bonus, and Amount of Clears are shown below. When you achieve a certain rank for the first time, you receive the reward for that rank as well as any ranks below it that you have not previously received. For example, if you get a A for score on your first play of a song, you would get the score rewards for SCORE C, SCORE B, and SCORE A. All rewards can only obtained once.

Note that "gull" is the form of currency in the game (ガル). Friend points can be used on the friend gacha to obtain mostly N rarity cards, with a few R cards available.

50 Luck Stones is given after clearing the Easy, Normal, and Hard difficulty of a song for the first time. 50 Luck Stones are also given for clearing the Expert difficulty of a song for the first time.


  • Star Difficulty Rating: 3
  • Stamina Requirement: 5
  • Experience Gained: 13
  • Furu Furu Bonus: 10 Luck Stones

The Furu Furu Bonus is given when you achieve Full Combo (no misses, max combo) and Full Mirror Bonus (kept the disco ball spinning the whole song after the intro) on a song at the same time in one play.

Score Goal

Score Rank Required Score Reward
SCORE SS 65,301 or more 7,500 Gull
SCORE S 54,418 or more 5,000 Gull
SCORE A 43,534 or more 2,500 Gull
SCORE B 32,651 or more 1,250 Gull
SCORE C 21,767 or more 1,000 Gull

Combo Goal

Combo Rank Required Combo Reward
COMBO S 165 10,000 Gull
COMBO A 116 or more 5,000 Gull
COMBO B 83 or more 2,500 Gull
COMBO C 50 or more 1,250 Gull

Mirror Bonus Goal

Mirror Bonus Rank Required Percentage Reward
MIRROR S 90% or more 100 Friend Points
MIRROR A 70% or more 75 Friend Points
MIRROR B 50% or more 50 Friend Points
MIRROR C 30% or more 25 Friend Points

Clear Goal

Clear Rank Required Number of Clears Reward
CLEAR S 20 or more 100 Friend Points
CLEAR A 10 or more 75 Friend Points
CLEAR B 5 or more 50 Friend Points
CLEAR C 1 or more 25 Friend Points


  • Star Difficulty Rating: 7
  • Stamina Requirement: 10
  • Experience Gained: 29
  • Furu Furu Bonus: 20 Luck Stones

The Furu Furu Bonus is given when you achieve Full Combo (no misses, max combo) and Full Mirror Bonus (kept the disco ball spinning the whole song after the intro) on a song at the same time in one play.

Score Goal

Score Rank Required Score Reward
SCORE SS 156,772 or more 12,500 Gull
SCORE S 134,376 or more 10,000 Gull
SCORE A 111,980 or more 7,500 Gull
SCORE B 89,584 or more 5,000 Gull
SCORE C 44,792 or more 2,500 Gull

Combo Goal

Combo Rank Required Combo Reward
COMBO S 246 20,000 Gull
COMBO A 172 or more 10,000 Gull
COMBO B 123 or more 5,000 Gull
COMBO C 74 or more 2,500 Gull

Mirror Bonus Goal

Mirror Bonus Rank Required Percentage Reward
MIRROR S 90% or more 300 Friend Points
MIRROR A 70% or more 200 Friend Points
MIRROR B 50% or more 150 Friend Points
MIRROR C 30% or more 100 Friend Points

Clear Goal

Clear Rank Required Number of Clears Reward
CLEAR S 40 or more 300 Friend Points
CLEAR A 20 or more 200 Friend Points
CLEAR B 10 or more 150 Friend Points
CLEAR C 5 or more 100 Friend Points


  • Star Difficulty Rating: 8
  • Stamina Requirement: 15
  • Experience Gained: 51
  • Furu Furu Bonus: 50 Luck Stones

The Furu Furu Bonus is given when you achieve Full Combo (no misses, max combo) and Full Mirror Bonus (kept the disco ball spinning the whole song after the intro) on a song at the same time in one play.

Score Goal

Score Rank Required Score Reward
SCORE SS 437,231 or more 50 Luck Stones
SCORE S 329,098 or more 15,000 Gull
SCORE A 282,084 or more 7,500 Gull
SCORE B 235,070 or more 5,000 Gull
SCORE C 94,028 or more 2,500 Gull

Combo Goal

Combo Rank Required Combo Reward
COMBO S 414 30,000 Gull
COMBO A 290 or more 20,000 Gull
COMBO B 207 or more 10,000 Gull
COMBO C 124 or more 5,000 Gull

Mirror Bonus Goal

Mirror Bonus Rank Required Percentage Reward
MIRROR S 90% or more 500 Friend Points
MIRROR A 70% or more 400 Friend Points
MIRROR B 50% or more 300 Friend Points
MIRROR C 30% or more 150 Friend Points

Clear Goal

Clear Rank Required Number of Clears Reward
CLEAR S 100 or more 50 Luck Stones
CLEAR A 40 or more 400 Friend Points
CLEAR B 20 or more 300 Friend Points
CLEAR C 10 or more 150 Friend Points


  • Star Difficulty Rating: 9
  • Stamina Requirement: 20
  • Experience Gained: 73
  • Furu Furu Bonus: 100 Luck Stones

The Furu Furu Bonus is given when you achieve Full Combo (no misses, max combo) and Full Mirror Bonus (kept the disco ball spinning the whole song after the intro) on a song at the same time in one play.

Score Goal

Score Rank Required Score Reward
SCORE SS 804450 or more Skill Trainer: 深見絵馬 (Fukami Ema) SRx1 (Yellow)
SCORE S 562250 or more 1,000 Friend Points
SCORE A 519000 or more 1,000 Friend Points
SCORE B 475750 or more 20,000 Gull
SCORE C 173000 or more 10,000 Gull

Combo Goal

Combo Rank Required Combo Reward
COMBO S 573 50 Luck Stones
COMBO A 401 or more 30,000 Gull
COMBO B 287 or more 10,000 Gull
COMBO C 172 or more 5,000 Gull

Mirror Bonus Goal

Mirror Bonus Rank Required Percentage Reward
MIRROR S 90% or more 50 Luck Stones
MIRROR A 70% or more 500 Friend Points
MIRROR B 50% or more 300 Friend Points
MIRROR C 30% or more 200 Friend Points

Clear Goal

Clear Rank Required Number of Clears Reward
CLEAR S 150 or more 50 Luck Stones
CLEAR A 60 or more 500 Friend Points
CLEAR B 30 or more 300 Friend Points
CLEAR C 15 or more 200 Friend Points



どこまでたどり着けるか 果てしなく続いていく
この道に名前 付けるのは誰?

無理はしなくていいんだ 前だけちゃんと見る事

飾らないその笑顔 時には不器用でも
この気持ち曲げられないよ 強く願うのは…

空を飛び越えて 夢を飛び越えて
その先にある 見た事の無い世界
もっともっと高く もっともっと強く
飛びたつのさ 楽しむことしか 見えないよ

誰もが抱えてる 心にささる切ない痛み
誰でも大丈夫 憧れ望み強くなれるから

想像を超えて ロマンス憧れ
夢見ちゃうんだ 間違ってないよね
もっともっと先に もっともっと深く
心震えるような そんな出会い あるかもね


Currently looking for romanizers, contact User:Erina if you'd like to help!


Currently looking for translators, contact User:Erina if you'd like to help!


For help about the information on the page, try looking at the Walkthrough Project or the rhythm game mechanics pages, such as Rhythm:Play.

Regarding Difficulty Availability: A song's difficulty is considered "Limited" if it has appeared in the game for play at some point, but has since then disappeared. A song's difficulty is considered "Unreleased" if it has never yet appeared in the game in any form. Side-A are the songs that you can always play, Side-B are songs that you can only play on a rotating basis, and Special are songs under the "special" category that are usually unlocked by completing missions.

Total high score refers to the total score of all the highest scores you have obtained on all songs. This is essentially the sum of all high scores on each song you have played in the game. Note that for a song, it will only take your highest score from all four difficulties. For example, if you played a song on Easy with score 30,000, then played it on Hard with score: 150,000, then the only score counted for your total high score would be the 150,000.

The color of a song is the song's attribute. Teams that are composed of more members of the song's color (meaning, having a higher performance stat of the song's color) will perform better score-wise.

An "advantage center girl" is a center girl that provides a 10% clothing stat bonus for the song.

Note that "gull" is the form of currency in the game (ガル). Friend points can be used on the friend gacha to obtain mostly N rarity cards, with a few R cards available. Trainers can be used to increase the skill level of your girl, which allows them to improve their unique skills during gameplay (such as stamina recovery, score boost, and more).

Expert songs are never available in Side-A (normal play), these difficulties can only be found in Side-B (daily/weekly rotation), unless it's a special/limited edition song. Visit Rhythm:Side-B Songs for more information.

This page was generated with the Song Template (found at Template:Songs). For more information, check the documentation!