Event:White Day 2016

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The current event, 「結成!!学園盛り上げ隊♪♪-ホワイトデーは大忙し編」, lasts from March 11th 15:00 till March 19th 14:59, JST.

There are D days, H hours, M minutes, S seconds till the end of the event.

Basic Gameplay

This event acts similar to previous tiered SSR events. You'll have to play songs from the roulette and get event points in order to get the event SSR card, which happens to be White Day 2016 Nao Miyoshi. You can get three copies of this cards from the event, which means you can evolve them into a UR for a great stat boost if you can get all of them!

Start the event by clicking the event button on your home screen.

The game will prompt you to select the difficulty between easy/normal/hard/very hard. After doing so, you are given the chance to double play - meaning you spend twice as much stamina as you normally would, but you will get twice the amount of event points in return! Note that the exp you get from double play does not change - it's still the default value. After doing so, the game will spin the roulette, and you'll get a song to play. The primary colors for this event are Orange and Blue, so expect to see those songs more often!

Clear the song to gain points and unlock various rewards! You will also be ranked according to how many event points you have to all other players of Girlfriend Note. The better your rank, the better your final rewards after the event ends will be!

You can obtain the first two copies of the event SSR from point goals. Getting to 45,000 and 95,000 points will net you one copy each. The final (third) copy will be obtained from rankings. You must finish within the top 2000 players in the final ranking in order to obtain the final SSR!

For more in-depth information on the event mechanics, visit Rhythm:Events.



[White Day] Miyoshi Nao | ホワイトデー 見吉奈央

  • Base Rarity: SSR
  • Color: Pink
  • Single Card Max Performance - 4862
  • Single Card Max Stamina - 654
  • Skill (Max): 寒さに負けずに〜 - Every 21 notes hit (?), 46% chance of increasing Very Good timing window for 4.5 seconds
  • Leader Skill: ふわふわカンタービレ - Pink performance boosted by a large amount.
  • Comment: あれ、ダーリンだぁ。今日はもう帰り? …私? 私はこれから、お仕事なんだよね〜 それはいいんだけど、何だか外で撮影するみたいで… 寒くて大変そうだよ〜
  • Ways to get the card:
    1. 45,000 points
    2. 95,000 points
    3. Final ranking in event 2000 or better
NaoWhiteDay2016 1.jpgNaoWhiteDay2016 2.jpgNaoWhiteDay2016 3.jpg

[White Day] Toyama Misuzu | ホワイトデー 遠山未涼

  • Base Rarity: R
  • Color: Blue
  • Single Card Max Performance - 2643
  • Single Card Max Stamina - 301
  • Skill (Max): 気持ちを高めて - Every 10 seconds, 46% chance of score + 300
  • Leader skill: すらすらリズム - Blue performance boosted by small amount.
  • Comment: …何か用? 今は集中してるところだから、用がないなら邪魔を… 今日は何の日か? アインシュタインの誕生日で、円周率の日よ。それがどうかしたの? …ホワイトデー?
  • Ways to get the card:
    1. 3,000 points
    2. 10,000 points
    3. 28,000 points
MisuzuWhiteDay2016 1.jpgMisuzuWhiteDay2016 2.jpgMisuzuWhiteDay2016 3.jpg


Creamy Dolce Shoes | クリーミードルチェシューズ

  • Base Rarity: R
  • Color: Yellow
  • Max Performance:
  • Max Stamina:
  • Obtained by reaching:
    • 20,000 points
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Creamy Dolce Headpiece | クリーミードルチェヘッドピース

  • Base Rarity: R
  • Color: Yellow
  • Max Performance:
  • Max Stamina:
  • Obtained by reaching:
    • 32,000 points
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Creamy Dolce One Piece | クリーミードルチェワンピース

  • Base Rarity: R
  • Color: Yellow
  • Max Performance:
  • Max Stamina:
  • Obtained by reaching:
    • 50,000 points
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