Template:Site News
- Main page: Project:Wiki/Server News
Accepting all contributions! If you have anything to contribute, or want to help out by editing articles, or just joining as a member of the community, feel free to make an account and get started! Account creation, however, is protected by a password. The password is located on User:Erina's page - it's the name of his favorite girl (hint: her name starts with an "I").
Currently working on a separate database to store images of the various girls on Girlfriend Kari (i.e. a card organizer). Because of this, please refrain from uploading pictures of the girls' cards to this wiki until you contact Erina!
Progress on the database: You can find the database testing site here. Progress on the database has pretty much come to a pause. Top priority now is making the wiki more accessible with more information. Feel free to help by contributing!
The current server has been upgraded with more memory and processing power. Donations will open soon, please consider contributing if you can.
Please read the Project:Editing Policies and Project:Uploading Policies before contributing, these contain various notes important to reducing server strain.
Notable Events:
- 10/25/2015: Added Disqus Integration! Add "{{Comments}}" to a page that you'd like to add Disqus comments to.
- 10/24/2015: Upgraded to MediaWiki version 1.25.3.