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She's a second-year student in the Faculty of Geochi, who is single-mindedly focused on fossils and ancient creatures.
She's a second-year student in the Faculty of Geochi, who is single-mindedly focused on fossils and ancient creatures.
She is bright and energetic, and she always smiles. The tension increases further when the fossils are seen.
She is bright and energetic, & she always smiles. The tension increases further when the fossils are seen.
The amonite of the hair ornament is important to her
The amonite of the hair ornament is important to her
As relations progress, she evolves.
As relations progress, she evolves.
<gallery widths=160px heights=200px >
<gallery widths=160px heights=200px >
Isuki化石大好き.jpg| 化石大好き
読書週間Isuki.jpg| Reading Week
Isuk読書週間+i.jpg| Reading Week+
ワクワク図鑑Isuki.jpg| Exciting Picture Book
乗馬Isuki.jpg| Riding
乗馬Isuki2.jpg| Riding+
リノリジョッキーIsuki.jpg| リノリジョッキー
天体観測15Isuki.jpg| Astronomical Observation 15
IsukiAstro15.jpg| Astronomical Observation 15+
面を上げてIsuki.jpg| 面を上げて
キャンプ登山Isuki1.jpg| Camping Climbing
IsukiCamp.jpg| Camping Climbing+
ロマン紀行Isuki.jpg| ロマン紀行
夏祭り18Isuki.jpg| Summer Festival 18
SummerFes18Isuki.jpg| Summer Festival 18+
Isuk発掘結果は?i.jpg| 発掘結果は?
ハロウィン19Isuki.jpg| Halloween 19
IsukiHalloween19.jpg| Halloween 19+
Isuk徘徊フレンズi.jpg| 徘徊フレンズ
海の家21Isuki.jpg|Seahouse 21
Sea21Isuki.jpg|Seahouse 21+
体育祭21Isuki.jpg|Sports Festival 21
15763.jpg|Sports Festival 21+
パイレーツ22Isuki.jpg|Pirate 22
PirateIsuki.jpg|Pirate 22+
川遊び23Ishuki.jpg|River Play 23
RiverIshuki.jpg|River Play 23+
クールビズIsuki.jpg|Cool Biz
BizIsuki.jpg|Cool Biz+

Latest revision as of 13:32, 18 August 2024

Isuki Ishida
Isuki Ishida 1.png
Character Information
Name 石田いすき (Ishida Isuki)
Type POP
Authority Students
School Seiou Academy
Year Second
Age 17
Birthday May 10th
Horoscope Taurus
Blood Type A
Height 146cm
Weight 45kg
Three Sizes B69/W55/H74
Favorite Subject Geoscience
Extracurricular Geology Club
Hobbies Digging Up Fossils and Die-Cutting
Favorite Food Lollipops
Hated Food Water
CV Chiaki Omigawa


She's a second-year student in the Faculty of Geochi, who is single-mindedly focused on fossils and ancient creatures. She is bright and energetic, & she always smiles. The tension increases further when the fossils are seen. The amonite of the hair ornament is important to her As relations progress, she evolves.
