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[A 2nd year in the English Study Group.
A 2nd year in the English Study Group. Bright and at all times tension is high. She once lived in the United Kingdom and the USA whom she speak with a unique tone of the English mingled like any returnees who came back to Japan. Has a great commitment in making tea, most notably English tea.
Bright and at all times tension is high.
She once lived in the United Kingdom and the USA whom she speak with a unique tone of the English mingled like any returnees who came back to Japan. Has a great commitment in making tea, most notably (?) English tea.] -Official
<gallery widths=160px heights=200px >
<gallery widths=160px heights=200px >
File:Takasaki1-3.jpg| Returnee
Takasaki1-3.jpg| Returnee
File:スケボーガールRui.jpg| Skateboard Girl
スケボーガールRui.jpg| Skateboard Girl
File:RuiSkateboard.jpg| Skateboard Girl+
RuiSkateboard.jpg| Skateboard Girl+
File:多国籍嗜好Rui.jpg| 多国籍嗜好
多国籍嗜好Rui.jpg| 多国籍嗜好
日本文化Rui.jpg| Japanese Culture
Japanese CultureRui.jpg| Japanese Culture+
Ru日本のロック?i.jpg| Japanese Rock?
ホームステイRui.jpg| Homestay
HomestayRui.jpg| Homestay+
私にお任せRui.jpg| Leave It To Me
雪遊び15Rui.jpg| 雪遊び15
Rui+雪遊び15.jpg| 雪遊び15+
フィーッシュ!Rui.jpg| フィーッシュ!
ホワイトデー15Rui.jpg| ホワイトデー15
ホワイトデー15Rui+.jpg| ホワイトデー15+
じゃれ合いRui.jpg| じゃれ合い
チアダンス18Rui.jpg| チアダンス18
Rui+チアダンス18.jpg| チアダンス18+
Ruイエス、ユーキャン!i.jpg| イエス、ユーキャン!
特訓合宿Rui.jpg| 特訓合宿
Rui特訓合宿+.jpg| 特訓合宿
心地良くRui.jpg| 心地良く
バレンタイン19Rui.jpg| Valentine 19
RuiValentine19.jpg| Valentine 19+
トクベツハッピーRui.jpg| トクベツハッピー
セーラー服と20Rui.jpg| Sailor Suit 20
SailorRui20.jpg| Sailor Suit 20+
愛用武器はRui.jpg| 愛用武器は
15870.jpg|Halloween 21
15871.jpg|Halloween 21+
16077.jpg|Japanese Bride 21
16078.jpg|Japanese Bride 21+
スク水リニューアル22Rui.jpg|Sukumizu Renewal 22
RuiRenew22.jpg|Sukumizu Renewal 22+
よさこい祭Rui23.jpg|Yosakoi Festival 23
23YosaRui.jpg|Yosakoi Festival 23+
秋の日デートRui.jpg|Autumn Date
Date24Rui.jpg|Autumn Date+

Latest revision as of 00:38, 28 October 2024

Rui Takasaki
Rui2 1.png
Character Information
Name 高崎瑠依 (Takasaki Rui)
Type POP
Authority Students
School Seiou Academy
Year Second
Age 16
Birthday March 19th
Horoscope Pisces
Blood Type B
Height 163cm
Weight 48kg
Three Sizes B82/W58/H85
Favorite Subject English
Extracurricular English Study Group
Hobbies Skateboarding
Favorite Food French Fries
Hated Food Natto
CV Nao Tamura


A 2nd year in the English Study Group. Bright and at all times tension is high. She once lived in the United Kingdom and the USA whom she speak with a unique tone of the English mingled like any returnees who came back to Japan. Has a great commitment in making tea, most notably English tea.
